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The Palmyra-Macedon Food Pantry is a group of volunteers from local communities that serve our neighbors having issues with getting enough, or the right, food for themselves and their families.


Located at the rear entrance of Zion Episcopal Church, many of our volunteers represent various organized religious bodies: Episcopal, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), Reformed, Methodist and Friends (Quakers).  There are also volunteers with no particular religious affiliation.  Volunteer positions include monthly pantry observers, cleaners, board members, shoppers and various other positions, all geared toward making the PMFP whole and strong in service to others.

The pantry was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) on April 29, 1986 after serving for many years as an ad hoc group with various locations around Palmyra.  The Board of Directors meets quarterly at one or another member's house to review income, expenses and plan for the future.


Partnering with organizations that help us with our mission is key to our success.  Many entities assist us with financial contributions or access to better value with our food purchases.  Foodlink NY, WCCE, RACF, King's Daughters, Rotary, Lions, local churches and businesses, many local individuals and families - all are critical to help us maintain a strong presence in the community.



​​Contact Us:

(315) 926-1163

​Find us: 

120 E. Main Street, Palmyra NY  14522


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